jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

Daily post 4/?

Daily post 4/?

Today I had a lot of stomach problems, but now I'm fine and ready to keep moving forward.
So thank you for sticking by another day.
Catch you lateeer.(8

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019

Daily post 3/?

Daily post 3/?

So quick update over here.

To be honest I'm really tired and also today I felt a bit down and I didn't really knew why until now; because, as I'm writing this down I am at mt house's restroom  and you don't want to know how is it going for me rigth now.
Let's leave it with the fact that I wish none of you guys have to go through this.

So I'm sorry that this was a crappy update, but there should not be more of these so thank you guys for sticking around and as always; catch you later. 8)

lunes, 28 de enero de 2019


Daily Post 2/?

Hello, my dear reader.

I know I didn't post my daily updates DAILY, but your little writer over here tends to forget a lot of things, but the important thing is that I'm back and now I won't miss a day (hope so).

And to make things up for the days I missed, occasionally I'll be doing a double post on days I feel like it (maybe even more, who knows).

And finally for the daily status of today, while improvising things on my good old guitar I found a nice riff that sounds sort of like a country/blues style and I didn't make a bad job if I say so myself.

So that would be it for today, catch you later. (8

viernes, 25 de enero de 2019


Daily post 1/?

Today I basically did 5 things: I woke up, went to school, had my 3 daily meals, played guitar (as always) and slept more than what I should have. So I know it is not that much, and also I note that I did not finish my homework, but to be fair I missed a lot of sleep hours this week so I recovered them today.

martes, 22 de enero de 2019

Hi everybody, welcome to the blog

Hi everybody

My name is Alejandro and I wanted to start a blog of my daily life, now this being told, I guess I should talk a little bit about me. I am a teen from northern Mexico and I like a lot of things that you should be discovering by reading my blog, I am going through what would be the equivalent of 1st year of high school.

I like a lot of things, but the ones I usually get to appreciate every day is music; it’s my personal passion/hobby and every time I find out a new interesting song or a new genre with songs I really like is when I enjoy myself the most and its very exciting for me, I also like to do research on topics I find interesting, I like to pass out time by playing my guitar, and last but not least I enjoy hanging out with my family whom are my favorite people and the ones I will always care about no matter what.

Finally, I want to say that I will be doing daily post from Monday to Friday and one day per week there is going to be a second post, which be special and in which I will be reviewing different topics and giving my point of view.