viernes, 8 de febrero de 2019

Weekly Post #1


Have you ever felt limited by something in your life? You’ll probably say yes, and if that’s the case then this article is for you.

Do you believe in magic?
You may think that limitations come from the outside and I’m her to tell you they are not, they all come from inside you and this might come as a surprise to you, but this is actually real and also you build your world around, again this is weird, but if you don’t believe me you won’t get what you want, so let me help you do this.

First of all, let me give you an example of mine. Since the day I can remember I’ve had some level of anxiety, I don’t know whether it’s hereditary I developed it or it just appeared randomly, but it had been sticking with me a long time ago. And it hits me this way: whenever something important in a high level according to me, for this to happen I also have to be self-aware of the situation that’ll happen, then I start to get nervous and then stressed, or up sided down doesn’t matter, and finally I start to shake and there is when anxiety comes just to say hi. Now this have happened to me a lot of times, but especially when I’m going to travel or to start something new like another school year and things like that.

This is something I honestly don’t like to talk about because, well, it also makes me anxious (meta-anxious:0), but that doesn’t mean I haven’t tried to make myself get calmed down, and also because its uncomfortable for me to talk about it I haven’t made almost any research about it, but with the help of time; and some self-control, I’ve been able to handle it better even though I haven’t (and probably never will) get over it, I can say that now at least I can sleep better before a trip or a school thing. Actually now I can say I’m better than ever before, so this is what I have, now you might be wondering how did I get pasted this “illness” or you might be thinking that what I’ve said I did sounds cliché and very general, maybe even fake or compromised, and you’re not wrong; well not totally, and that’s why I want to talk about specific examples of what I’ve done to get better at handling this, and also at handling anything in general, so stick with me.

Curiosity in me
Basically, I’m a very curious person, and when I say very I mean it, It’s like people will often take you as obnoxious and nosy, but it’s just that you want to know and be on everything around you, and the fact is that, that’s physically impossible, no matter how hard you try, or how much you desire it, you’ll always be missing something (and at least to our day technology has gotten too far to insert knowledge directly on our brains, but it’ll be cool if they did), but that’s exactly what makes it interesting, the fact that there’s always something out there waiting for you to discover it and look at it directly its exactly what motivates us curious people to go forward and look for new information (and that its actually some of the thing that to our specie as humans has made us survive longer, even though some times on the wrong hands its dangerous, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, coof coof), but now I’m beating around the bush, so the idea there was for you to understand that being curious was my double-edged sword, so when I needed it the most it was there and when I needed it the less, well guess who was there as well, so my point here is to let you know that whatever your problem is you should stick to your nature and keep going through that path no matter how hard it looks, because it won’t leave no matter how hard you try.

Back to the start                  
Now, you might have a bad trait that’s holding you back, and that is the one I’m referring to, so here is the ULTIMATE SOLUTION to the problems you face in life: just transform or change the negative words you say to yourself in your mind into nice and positive ones, again is easier said than done but that’s life itself, and I don’t know if you have look at any of the successful and famous people, but most of them are hard workers or naturally good at what they do, so the key to being successful like them it’s just that 2 little things, that if you put effort on them they’ll give you way more than what you could ask or even imagine.

You think I’m lying, I know it, I was just as skeptical as you are right now, and I don’t want sound too raised up, but it’s as real as it gets, and you also think this will get you right away, yet again another common misconception of life, as the saying goes: easy come, easy go. It applies on life more than I would like to admit, but I can say from personal experience that it is completely true and you won’t regret it, at least at the end, because (surprise, surprise) another misconception, people usually don’t fall in love with processes they just like the results, which is normal, yet totally erroneous. And this happens because just as I said before falling in love is something merely instantaneous and as we get the feeling we want the reward without thinking about the implications that it will take, aside from the good ones, or anything that comes along with it. So in conclusion to get over a limitation you need to give in effort and make it at your own and unique style that only you know how it should be done and do it the positive way, because last time I checked the grumpy monkeys where hanging out with more of their kind.

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