viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

Weekly Post #2

Mindfulness: Mind and body presence (with a little twist)

Have you ever felt distracted or simply wandering around in your mind, as if you were on another planet? Well, this happens to a lot of people, and way more often than what you may be thinking. So, yet again, your friendly blogger is here to help you out a bit with your problem.

But, before…
To be clear, this is not a religion, despite the fact of the looks of this. This is a new tendency floating around and winning terrain on the market as a new ideology for various healthcare areas for everybody. Again, this is new and might sound a little bit odd, but, with a little time, you should start to understand better why it is getting this unexpected attention all of a sudden.

What is this?
Now, first things first, what is the main idea and origins of all of this. Well, you can basically define it like this: “The awareness that arises through paying attention on purpose in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” Mindfulness is a practice involved in various religious and secular traditions, from Hinduism and Buddhism to yoga and, more recently, non-religious meditation. People have been practicing mindfulness for thousands of years, whether by itself or as part of a larger tradition.

Renaissance phenomena
Have you ever seen a Renaissance paint or picture, or even a structure, if you have (you should have, but you probably didn’t notice it was from The Renaissance) you have seen how it is hyper-realistic and really artistic in its own scientific way? Well that’s basically why this cultural phenomenon it’s happening, because we’re about to hit it again, but again we’ll reshape it in our own unique and scientific way: but you may notice how before it happened in Europe (as well as a lot of things that had happened before there, “Renaissance”, or as I like to call it cultural teenage years, because it’s about finding out who we are.
Obviously, these things that I’m saying sound incredibly unsupported and a very childish idea, but there are clear signs to say that we are all driving and diving down towards that way. So let me break it down for you.

Cultural cycles
My ways to explain this all are very simple, basically, you can take it all from mindfulness. As I have told before, mindfulness is a new cultural phenomenon that has been winning attention recently and this is the way that history has told us the humanity works: Something happens, some people like it, some don’t; the ones liking it make it popular, the ones hating on it look for alternatives on time spending, some one that is between the two become the bridge between the two groups, people start to like it and some don’t and the cycle repeats itself just a little bit differently and right now we’re waiting for that someone to join us all, or perhaps separate us all.

And renaissance itself is exactly what that is: a bridge between eras. It’s a watershed between two things almost completely different. And it’s time for thinking and make something new up out of nowhere. We are about to get conscious of who we are and why we are here, and we’ll start to make ourselves those existential questions we need to ask every once in a while. And I definitely hope it’s for the better, so we don’t have to pick the pieces of our dead allies from the ground once again (sorry for rawness but it’s true and we both know it).

To be honest…
You’re in a bit of a peek right now aren’t you, don’t worry I’m not going to tell you that everything I just said isn’t true, because it is, but instead I want to let you know that, well, this was predestinated, and that’s how I can tell your emotional state almost accurately, because as you have seen in “Black Mirror: Bandersnatch” (and if you don’t I highly recommend you to watch a summary of it or if you have time actually watch it, and I’m serious about this if not you won’t understand the next bit and its important), there’s no such thing as free will, we are just statistics behind more statistics, and sorry again but it’s the truth and we all know truth doesn’t forgive us most of the times.
Not everything is lost, (I’m serious about this don’t kill yourself) there’s no such thing as free will but there are highlights or rare odds. This is the thing we call quantum science or probability.

Normally, a person with depression will most likely kill themselves, but there are numerous cases of people overcoming depression one way or another, how is this even possible. This is possible because there is not an actual predetermined way exactly we’re just odds. Some weirder than others, that’s the way you are able to stereotype most of the population of a certain area, but definitely not all of them. Also, haven’t you notice how I always use the word might, so in case you haven't, there you have the real reason.

So in conclusion…
Well, this is because of what I just said and thanks to that we might again be reborn in the nature of mindfulness.
Thank you for sticking by, hope to see you soon, and have a good day. (8

Sources: Me, obviously heheh, all the people close to me, and all these pages.
Check them out:

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